AWS Solutions Architect - Associate (SAA) 學習計畫與備考心得: Module 4

Posted by Hans-Tsai on 2023-04-25


  1. Module 4 Student Guide
  2. Section 1: Adding a Compute Layer
  3. Section 2: Adding Compute with Amazon EC2
  4. Section 3: Choosing an AMI to Launch an EC2 Instance
  5. Section 4: Selecting an EC2 Instance Type
  6. Section 5: Using User Data to Configure an EC2 Instance
  7. Section 6: Adding Storage to an Amazon EC2 Instance
  8. Section 7: Amazon EC2 Pricing Options
  9. Section 8: Amazon EC2 Considerations
  10. Module 4 Wrap-up

    註: 超連結為 AWS Academy 的課程連結,需先註冊帳戶後,才能觀看課程錄影

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